ITunes supposedly heard the masses when we complained about their filthy DRM laden tracks and blessed us with DRM free ones to do with as we pleased. Albeit they came at a little mark-up, we were content. Apple on the other hand is not happy and they have decided to raise the prices of the DRM free tracks.
Prices depend on track popularity and who knows what other factors, but expect up to a 30% increase on some if not most of the hits you are looking for. In other words, 33 of the current top 100 songs are now priced at $1.29.
Now, there are other options out there and if you’ve been purchasing from Masterbeat, Beatport, or any of the other specialized online music retailers, this price increase might not faze you one bit. But, if you simply want to add some top 100 goodies to your digital record crate this can add up.
You might want to try Amazon. Their tracks are encoded at 256kbps VBR MPP3 and of course, DRM free, and ring at the register at a credit card friendly $.99. I’ve been using them for quite some time now and I have no complaints. Apple on the other hand I bet will be hearing many complaints. Stay tuned.