BREAKING NEWS: DJ MAG In Pay For Press Scandal
Every year DJ Mag hosts its Top 100 DJ poll and like clockwork along come the purists questioning not only the need for such a contest but the legitimacy of it as well, with rumors of cheating rising to fever pitch in the last few years. With all the noise coming from DJ purists and those hating on the commercialism the scene has been experiencing as of late it’s been hard to tell what was legitimate and what was just pure noise. Well, turns out there might be some legitimacy to all that noise, and it’s quite deafining.
Edmsnob.com began looking into these allegations of cheating in the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs poll to put an end to or confirm these rumors but, as it turns out they stumbled onto more than they were expecting. Seems an insider provided them with ample proof that major DJs such as Paul Van Dyk, DJ Ferry Corsten, Max Vangeli, Erick Morillo, DJ Vierro, Gareth Emery, W & W, Eddie Halliwell, and a whole clubs worth more have been paying DJ Mag for special coverage such as interviews, article features, in addition to legitimate ad space, and so on.
Paying for ads is one thing, as is paying for articles, which stinks of desperation or at the very least much too hyper PR but, if this money in any way means they get special treatment when it comes to their spot in the Top 100 poll, then the entire poll will come tumbling down.
Even if there is no tie between these big, really big payments from these equally as big DJs does not affect their standing in the polls, you can expect a lot of DJs all over the world to start distancing themselves from the poll anyway.
You can expect to be hearing more about this issue over the coming days, even months. We’ll keep you posted but, we suggest you keep up with it at Edmsnob.com.