NS6 Launch And We Were There!
In a special in store event held last night in Flatbush Brooklyn’s Guitar Center, Numark unveiled their new NS6 controller! The new heavenly piece of DJ gear is full of enticing buttons, lights, and cool features but, it comes packed with that respect for the craft Numark is known for building into the DNA of their gear!
The NS6 has not two, but FOUR channels -two on hand and you can add two additional external turntables/cdj’s! It comes with built in effects, and plenty of crazy features!
The NS6 might be smaller and lighter than its predecessor the NS7, but it is not a toy; it is a serious piece of hardware. Not surprisingly then that it’s already creating a rush and some stores are out of stock already. I heard, it might even be on back order!
We managed to get some video and asked Numark rep Mike (I’ll update with his last name shortly) and Joe Faria from Nightriders for their thoughts on the lust worthy device!! Excuse the quality, I had to shot it on my EVO (I forget my camera at home! WTF???)!
As an NS7 owner myself, there was one particular piece of information I was searching for, one that many NS7 and ITCH users have been waiting for for quite some time, and I got it! Yes, ITCH 2.0 IS coming! Now, whether it pans out or not, I can not guarantee, but I feel pretty confident it will, and even more certain than ever that Numark is not giving up on ITCH and in fact they have big plans for it, starting with this update! Check out the end of the video for the almost, pretty sure statement straight from Numark’s mouth piece!
What do you think of the NS6? Can’t wait to get one? Prefer something else? Only for Fake DJs? You are all welcomed to leave comments!