Chaka Khan Makes It Through The Fire In Health Battle
My idol Chaka Khan never ceases to amaze. Known as the “Queen Of Funk” she is a 10-time Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter, and it goes without saying, well loved by the dance music community.
Chaka Khan gained fame in the 1970’s as the front woman for Rufus and claimed her status with such hits as “I’m Every Woman”, “Clouds”, “I Love You I Live You”, “Thru The Fire”, “Aint Nobody”, etc, etc.
Recently, Chaka Khan was diagnosed with Diabetes and Hypertension and made a decision to fight back and claim a new status, “I’m a Healthy Woman”.
Chaka Khan took charge of her health, which was a major challenge after years of alcohol and drug use contributed to her weight gain. As always, she fought thru the fire and won the battle. Showing off her new physique, she’s 60lbs lighter, she stated she no longer has the ailments that threatened her life.
By accomplishing this feat, Chaka Khan proves to me that she truly is every woman simply because she fights daily battles just like you and I. She has encouraged me to take on the battle of the bulge and take charge of my life because I want to live a healthy life and dance thru the fire myself. I hope after reading this you too want to fight back too!
Need some motivation, check out why we love her so much with these two videos.
I’m Every Woman
Through The Fire
If you would like to learn more about the queen check her Wiki.