We Dream This All In One From Numark Is Real And Not Just Concept
This is one of those moments where I wish that my pockets were as deep as my desire for new DJ gear! No word yet on whether this is something that is actually being worked on or just a concept, but check out this all-in-one baby from Numark!
It appears to be Numark’s NS7II controller with a built in PC! The source material states it is running Windows Embedded, a scaled down version of Windows meant to operate on systems with a dedicated purpose. In this case that would be rocking crowds with the built in Serato!
If you’re a Windows hater, I’m just gonna say find the door and head back out that way. Microsoft has been quietly making inroads working with DJs and Windows Embedded is already making major inroads into, well, everything, so there is no doubt this is going to work just fine. So, if this is the future, then I am getting in line.
I’m sure like me you can imagine a million possibilities with such a set up. The programming capabilities on such a device are going to be simply mind blowing. Since we don’t know if this is real or not, we won’t speculate any further as to not wet ourselves, but there is one potential side benefit from this that I can’t help but think about. As you can see in the pic, there is no laptop. I’m already imagining how cool it would be that in this possible future, DJs will not have their entire grill blocked by a laptops screen, which is great for the DJs and the fans. Back to the future baby.
Source: DigitalDJTips