I love Craigslist; from finding roommates to selling and buying everything from computer gear and furniture, I have used it aplenty over the years. Of course, you have to be careful when perusing Craigslist; sometimes people are just out to scam you or just post the weirdest shit. Ok, maybe sometimes is the understatement of the century as it seems every few seconds even stranger posts pop up. Yet, the site continues to prosper as people continue to depend on it.

That’s why last Friday when a post went up looking for job seekers for a new Pacha club slated to open in Atlantic City, people went bananas. The post seemed legitimate enough with a massive logo welcoming you to the post followed by a brief history of the Pacha brand. Then comes the pitch looking for job seekers:

“There’s a whole team to build so we’re hiring: Servers, Bartenders and Management roles. Send over your resume and let us know what position you’re interested in.
We want to see the real you – so show off that personality in a brief cover letter explaining why you’d be the perfect candidate. Please ensure you include your direct personal email address, robots not welcome!”

Well, much to the dismay of party people in south Jersey and the greater Philadelphia area, and EDM fans from all over, there will be no Pacha in AC. The entire ad is a fake! Is nothing sacred anymore?

We figure since the ad will expire soon, we’d provide you the above screen capture. If you want to see it for yourself however, click here before it expires -whatever you do, don’t click any of the included links in the ad. You wouldn’t want to catch something, would you?