Help Tiësto Find Artwork For New Album…In The Nevada Desert
Tiësto is putting together the finishing touches on his new album A Town Called Paradise coming out June 6th and he wants you to help find the artwork, literally.
Tiësto is hosting a one of kind contest where the winner wins a trip to New York for the album launch party! All you have to do is find the album artwork, in the Nevada desert! Say what?
Don’t worry, you don’t have to go out there and risk dying of dehydration or heat exhaustion, just jump on Google Maps Street View and search for the red dot!
Tiësto teamed up with the mighty search giant and created this unique concept, which is probably the first of its kind. There are three levels and three covers, the last one being the album cover. Search the desert until you complete all levels and find all three covers. What is also cool is that while you search, music from the album plays. Click an album cover once you find it, another song begins to play, and you’re off to the next cover. Once you find the last cover, share it via your favorite social media networks and you are entered to win the grand prize.
Quick, get your water bottles, wait scratch that, pump the speakers, you’re going to Nevada! Ready, set, go!