Lindsay Lohan, that actress from that movie, you know the one, where she plays a, um. Wait, better yet, you know that actress chick that was dating DJ Samantha Ronson, and was always getting drunk at clubs in LA, was arrested for drunk driving (with cocaine in the car), twice, had an alcohol detecting ankle bracelet strapped to her, defied judge’s orders to show up in court claiming her passport was lost, all the while she was living the Hollywood life attending the Cannes Film Festival and skipping her court ordered alcohol education classes? Yeah, that one. Well, it appears her star power couldn’t keep the law at bay any longer.
Lilo, that’s her MC name or something, finally showed up to a hearing in court yesterday to determine if she had in fact violated her probation. Well, the no nonsense judge was not swayed by the former mousketeers magnificent Botox enhanced American girl looks. Oh wait, she wasn’t a mouseketeer, that was another actress, but she was in a Disney movie, I’m sure of it.
Anyway, I’ve spent enough time on this subject already. Fact is, we only care because, well she dated a DJ, and frankly it’s funny, I mean sad. She was such an integral part of the LA nitelife scene, and with her gone, LA is going to have to wait for the next out of control young starlet to make the rounds, and you know how hard those are to come by.
Was Lindsay’s punishment too harsh, not harsh enough, do you care? Leave your witty remarks below.