New Turntable From Pioneer? We Can Dream!
It’s hard to believe that after years of rumors, we now actually live in a world where the Technics 1200 turntable is no longer in production. Panasonic pulled the plug on the DJs mythological weapon, on par with King Arthur’s Excalibur, on November 1, 2010 and it’s been a digital world ever since. Well, seems Pioneer has been working on something new that looks damn near identical to the 1200.
Maybe we’re jumping the gun, maybe we’re looking too much into it and it’s just a concept piece to be released in limited numbers, or maybe it’s just another digital controller that just happens to look like the classic 1200’s. However, with record sales soaring, I doubt that is the case. It appears, this is the real deal Holyfield.
So far all we have is one post from the GearJunkies website, in which they claim they spotted the still unnamed product in the wild, specifically at the MusikMesse 2014 international fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and music business connections going on in Germany. Maybe because of it’s long ass name Pioneer decided to unveil their latest weapon to the public.
Personally, I have high hopes for this unit. If this is what QBert was talking about when he let it slip back in February that Pioneer was working on something, then you know Pioneer put it through the paces. In case you didn’t hear what he said, peep this as posted in DJTechTools last month:
Pioneer’s supposed to be having some secret thing coming out – what? […] These companies are starting to get the idea, and there’s a lot of surprises also from our end that I’m not supposed to talk about. Like I wasn’t supposed to say something about the Pioneer. […]They’re doing something – I didn’t say what it exactly was, even though we’re talking about turntables.”
Now, you tell me, is your mind and heart racing with anticipation? Well, let’s just stop there, it could be nothing, right? PIONEER, we’re waiting for an official statement! Hurry up!!
Thanks to Gearjunkies and DJTechtools for the scoops!