What Do You Do When Stuck In An Airport Alone? Film A Music Video of Celine Dion's All By Myself Of Course
There is no way I can not share the following video with you! I saw this a few days ago, right after it hit. I laughed so hard my kid came running to me to see what the fuss was all about. I promised I would share it here, but well, I had to get comfortable with the idea of posting an original, non remixed Celine Dion song on this site! LOL! I kid, but as funny as that was, it fails miserably in comparison to the genius of this man named Richard Dunn and his epic video.
Somehow, Dunn found himself alone in Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport overnight, so with plenty of time to kill he decided to film an entire music video set to Dion’s grandiose balled ‘All By Myself.’ The resulting video is pure genius.
I mean, just the fact that Dunn managed to film this entire video and not be seen, arressted, or sodomozed by security when most of us can’t even scratch our noses or find a corner to relieve ourselves of some pent of gas (or is that just me) without getting the third degree is amazing. But the production value, from the lip syncing to the editing and those camera shots -he tied his camera to a wheelchair among other things- simply puts this video in a class all by itself; as of this writing it has over 2 million views.
Expect Mr. Dunn getting offered some awesome deal by some corporation somewhere. With ingenuity like this, he deserves it!