Osunlade Shares 5 Years of Burning Man In New Photo Book
One of our favorite DJ slash artists is the unique and multi-talented Osunlade. He is a two- time DJ of the Week selectee and was featured in the WeekendMix as well.
We love Osunlade because he takes the art of DJing to another level; he is as much an artists behind the turntables, weilding each song like a painter does a brush, or a wise mystic sage, weaving dreams instead of songs, as he is a record spinner. Yeah, he’s that deep.
With Osunlade, this is not just talk, he really is an artist. His last album Pyrography saw a limited collectors version that was accompanied with a book featuring art by artist Scott Marr, you can read our piece about it here.
Now, Osunlade is at it again with yet another book of images, this time images he has captured over the last five year while attending the Burning Man festival. Titled Black Rock City, this book seems to be an independently produced and released project, as it is for sale on Blurb, a site which allows creative types to create and publish their own books.
If in fact all the pictures in this book were taken by Osunlade, then he is as incredible a photographer as he is a DJ. If it is composed of pictures he has amassed over the years, then he still gets much desrved props for the presentation. The images are stunnning, and capture the essence of the conterculture arts fest that occurs once a year in the deserts of Nevada and the almost mystical people who attend it.
Do yourself a favor and take a look at the preview of the book on the blurb site, and if you are a fan of Osunlade, or a collector of his or any DJs work outside of the booth, this is a must have. Dive in here.