Just under a month ago, Tommie Sunshine was halfway through his set at W.i.P in New York City’s Soho neighborhood when he was unceremoniously kicked off the decks. If you know your DJs, then you know Tommie Sunshine is one of the realest mufuggas out there. Obviously, he is not the type to allow such an incident to bother him much. Plus, he let everyone know where he stands when he voiced his opinion about the incident in VIBE magazine.
Anyway we wanted to get the year started off right and as a sign of support and appreciation, we wanted to give Tommie Sunshine a time slot that will last for eternity – as long as he doesn’t remove the file from his Soundcloud account that is. Ha.
So, brace yourself for a classic mix consisting of hard hitting House, big room bangers, and dance floor thumpers driven home like only Tommie Sunshine can do it. This mix was recorded live on New Years Eve at Pier 94, also in New York. But don’t worry, he doesn’t get booted from the booth this time. In fact, he describes it as one of his best ever. I can’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year. Take it away Tommie. The booth is YOURS!
Find Tommie Sunshine on the net:
Send us a link to one of your mixes hosted either on Soundcloud or Mixcloud to weekendmix [dot] 1200dreams [dot] com.
We will listen and if you touch our minds, body, and our souls, you just might get featured.
As an added bonus, all featured mixes are LIKED on Soundcloud/Mixloud, you’re FB fanpage is added to our Fanpages Favorites, and we Tweet the hell out of your mix for a week.