As I sit and write this after a long and emotional week, the news is reporting that the FBI seems to be one step closer to finding the suspects of the Boston Marathon bombing. Great news indeed.
Now, what? Back to partying, throwing our hands up, casting all our troubles aside and getting lost in the waves of sound that rain down on the dance floor? As an individual, I know that I can just avoid the clubs for a while, shut off the music, and hug my family tighter while silently processing the news and all the accompanying fears that arise from all this chaos. But, what about when you run a website that is all about music and love and good feelings and having a good time? It can’t just proceed as if nothing has happened after such a horrific event, can it?
No, it can’t. At least not one that cares. Sad thing is, we’ve been here before, shocked to the core due to some senseless act of violence. Since 1200Dreams has been in existence we, along with all of you, have experienced, or more like suffered through, numerous mass shootings, the most recent being the Newton school shooting. After every one of these unfortunate events we put the music on pause and pay our respects; a true moment of silence in honor of those no longer with us. Then we immediately proceed to ask ourselves and contemplate deeply over the same questions; what role can this website, DJs and EDM, any of this really, play in the grand scheme of things?
The answer is never easy to come by and different for every occasion. For the Newton school shooting, I did not write a WeekendMix. We simply went silent for the entire weekend. For Boston, I wanted to do something else. I don’t want to let these assholes silence the music this time. Boston is a great party city; all types of music can be heard in its pubs and clubs, and the EDM, Hip Hop, and DJ scene is really hot right now. So, this WeekendMix is dedicated to the bean and we have three DJs that will make sure Boston will not be silenced!
First up is DJ Papadon spinning Hip Hop and R&B with a healthy dose of feel good pop goodies we so surely need right about now. Next up we have DJ Voltran with a sick mix of Bass, Trap, and enough sick beats to make you consider putting Boston on your party map. Lastly, we have DJ Joe Bermudez. This dude has been making a name for himself for quite sometime now. He’s traveled the globe spinning high octane EDM to masses in Singapore, South Africa, and elsewhere. This being a special feature, we’ve posted a mix he did live on in Boston’s Kiss 108. Can’t get more appropriate than that.
This is how we show love to our brothers up in the bean. It might not be much, but it’s something, and it comes with tons of prayers. I hope everyone who is reading this add their own as well.
God bless Boston, America, and the world. We’re all in this together.
DJPapadon #BTH BELIEVE THE HYPE [LIVE PROMO DEMO]- by @DJPAPADON_EV VOLTRAN THAT PIFF MIX LIVE 2012 : MASS Mondays EP #1 Joe Bermudez Joe Bermudez live on Kiss 108 in Boston, MA 10-1-11