As I sit here and write this the smell of this week’s rain is fading away. It’s the last rain we’re supposed to see for a while, at least that’s what the weatherman is reporting. Now, I’m glad the always highly anticipated weekend is upon us but personally, I don’t mind the rain.
Funny how these days so many people fill their Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest walls, perhaps all of them, with positive awe-inspiring quotes from people long dead in an effort to pass along some motivating piece of wisdom. Yet, the second it rains these same people are all doom and gloom; it’s as if all the positive attitudes were washed away by the rain and will only return once the clouds part and the sun shines again. Would it be cheesy of me to say one should carry the sun in their heart? That rain shouldn’t always dampen our spirits? Maybe.
I mean, I understand all about seasonal depression and all that but, let’s not delve that deep into it. For the most part rain is purifying or at least presents a great time to just sit back and chill a bit, reflect, sleep, make love, and of course, listen to some chill music. Personally these things are not as easy to come by with a newborn in the house but, bottomline is you have to find your own happiness. For instance, along with my babies cries (you’ll understand when you’re a parent), every nite I would listen intently to the sound of rain hitting the window pane as I went to bed. It was music to my ears.
Speaking of music, I managed to find some very chill mixes for you. These three wonderful mixes from three fairly unknown DJs from far flung spots on the globe are not only perfect for raising the spirits on rainy days but also pack plenty of energy for sunny ones as well. We have Rekai from Germany, Gonzalo Abdeneve from Copacabana, Bolivia, and Jamie Seaton from the UK. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Have a great weekend everyone.
REKAI – Germany
The Buenos Aires Affair para 120 Hertz Radio
Gonzalo Abdeneve, Copacabana, Bolivia Binary Dreams
J.D Seaton – UK