WeekendMix 5.17.13: Spinning In Wonderland
You ever get so into your work you lose track of time? If you love music you more than likely have it playing during these moments. Depending on how long you’re in the flow you can find yourself deep in your playlist. But what if you’re listening to music online? Well, you can find yourself listening to some pretty crazy ish. I’m pretty sure that’s how I discovered Trap music.
This past week, I was lost deep in the rabbit hole of CSS and PHP, and no, those aint some fancy new drugs. Those are the fancy new programming languages you need to be familiar with if you’re going to be working on a website and don’t have a geek nephew or can’t afford a programmer, even an outsourced one in India.
As usual the music was on. I began Monday with some old school Hip Hop, perhaps cuz I was feeling a lil nostalgic after a weekend of being with family and friends. By Wednesday I was deep into a House vibe, and then Thursday arrived and apparently the programming was having a drug like effect on me cuz that’s when I found myself listening to that other ish. You know, that slightly different but good ish you have to stumble upon because it’s not something you would necessarily have in your playlist – though you should. Don’t you just love those moments?
Following are three mixes I managed to bring back with me when I magically woke up back here in my own dimension. The first mix by ZebMachine from France is, at just a perfectly even 16 minutes, the shortest mix we have EVER featured, ever! I must say however, what it did and where it took me in that short period made it feel like so much longer. Show’s you the power of a great vibe.
Next up is a hardcore, rattle your bones, wake the dead, Drum and Bass thrill ride uploaded by UK DJ Nathan Njay Jones. One word: holy mufuggin shit balls! Better move the furniture out of the room and don’t dare drive while listening to this! This mix is pure auditory adrenalin being poured straight into your cranium! Pure awesome!
Lastly, I bring it back down (and to the states) with a mix by DJ Shane Logan from Arizona. This simply beautiful mix features music that is not so much different, in fact some of it might be familiar, as it is presented in such a fresh and inspiring way as to make you feel as if you’re hearing music from tomorrow. Mr. Logan says he doesn’t plan out his sets, that he just does everything “on the fly.” Well, he’s going to have you flying in this mix he calls, “I Got Hands.” Simply beautiful.
Different, weird, perhaps it’s what you listen to everyday, you can decide for yourself. But add these mixes to your playlist and follow these cats now. Personally, for me, these mixes were a lil bit of all of those things and they took me far away from here to a vastly different place. Frankly, I’m still trying to figure out if I’m still sleeping right now and you are all just fragments of my imagination, like readers I imagine out there somewhere, but really are not. If you are, leave comments.
One love!
Njay Drum & Bass mix
i got hands