WEEKENDMIX 1.3.14: Not Just Another Best Of
Sometimes, I wonder if we have everything backwards around here or there truly is a method to our madness. I mean, so what that everyone else is already done talking, writing, and posting their ‘best of’ lists? I sincerely believe the majority of those lists went overlooked with all the holiday and end of the year festivity planning. Now is the time to look back at the year that was, even as you go about your new one. Now is the time to reflect as you make plans for what lies ahead, to really sit back and groove to the jams that were. And dang nab-it, that’s what we’re going to do, now.
Don’t worry though, instead of creating just another ‘best of list’ we wanted to make it extra special, so we are showcasing a selection of best of mixes by three of our favorite DJs of 2013: Solomun, Thomas Gold, and Dada Life! Plus we have a bonus mix by one of our new favorite record labels, Spinnin’ Records, who we just couldn’t get enough of last year as they kept us dancing by dropping hit after hit.
See, our list is like a countdown wrapped in a best of list encased in a riddle; told you there was a method to the madness.
Happy New Year party people!
Solomun – The Best Of 2013 on Ibiza Global Radio
Thomas Gold Presents Fanfare: Episode 80 (Best Of 2013 Pt. 1)
Dada Life – Best Of 2013 Mix
Spinnin’ Records presents Best Of 2013 Yearmix
Think you have what it takes to have your mix featured in WeekendMix?
Send us a link to one of your mixes hosted either on Soundcloud or Mixcloud to weekendmix [dot] 1200dreams [dot] com.
We will listen and if you touch our minds, body, and our souls, you just might get featured.
As an added bonus, all featured mixes are LIKED on Soundcloud/Mixloud, you’re FB fanpage is added to our Fanpages Favorites, and we Tweet the hell out of your mix for a week.