In case his name is not indication enough for you, Eskei83 from Germany is of the new breed of DJ. Equals parts DJ and producer, Eskei83 has all the skills you would expect from a gifted DJ, a real knowledge of the music, intrinsic beat matching skills, and he can superbly scratch any itch you may have. But he also layers his mixes with intricate beat patterns, sound effects, and more via the use of outboard equipment such as sequencers, and beat machines, essentially creating something entirely new, on the fly.
The ability for a DJ to not only play, but also simultaneously create music while on the set, is nothing new. However, due to the cost of the equipment it was something only those with the big bucks could afford. Only recently has the rise of technology and the fall of prices made it so that the rest of us could join the party. Some might argue this is not a good thing, as technology has opened the door for wannabe’s whose only skill is the ability to press buttons, but I say, true talent will always shine through and DJ’s like Eskei83 are proof of that.
Not just a lil kid pressing buttons in his basement, Eskei83 is so good at what he does, he was featured in Serato and Ableton’s official promo video for their joint project “The Bridge.” He has garnered 5 DJ titles, including Best DJ by Germany’s Prinz magazine, and a slew of DJ competitions throughout Europe, it’s no wonder he is considered one of the continent’s newest and best. And yes, he’s putting out his own goods such as his 2006 release “Running Back” and the track he produced for Capone N Noreaga “Hustle Hard.”
Want to finally hear what all the hype is about and put an end to all this blabbering? We couldn’t agree more. Press play and listen to Eskei83, along with special quest Fetto76, welcome us to the future!