Perez Massimo is no neophyte when it comes to House music and music in general. He’s grown up in it. He’s taken a personal experience and made it a working, living, breathing passion. As most of us who love House have or do. He’s been focused and dedicated. Not easy when you get married in the middle of it all and lose someone who is close to you during a highpoint of the journey.
Perez, who was already a rising star when we featured him in 2011, has seen growth in 2012 that would take most people years to accomplish. He’s become a polished music selector and party rocker. Polished, but not bland. He has played at the hottest parties on the NYC club roster, played in Chicago and Playa del Carmen Mexico. I could go on and list his successes, that would be easy. I know. I have the privilege of knowing Perez Massimo on a personal level. But, THIS… Postcards from the Abyss…. has NOTHING to do with any of that polished, clean cut image you’ve come to expect from the well-groomed dance floor beast. No. This… well, this… bleeds.
When Perez first started talking about “Going Left”, it was driven by the need to grow, the need to find a voice above the crowd, a need to get away from the normal and mundane. As of the writing of this article, there are five other stories in Perez Massimo’s Left Side Chronicles, each unique and noteworthy. This one, Postcards from the Abyss, proved to be a challenge for him. It almost didn’t happen. Almost. In the middle of him mapping out this tale for the “jaded, forgotten, broken and broken hearted” I asked him how the view was from the left side. He spoke to me in terms of this mix, referring affectionately to it as “the bane of my existence.” I say affectionately because, familiar with his sarcastic edgy persona, I knew that was what spurred him to finish it. He was driven by the exact demons he exercised in Postcards from the Abyss.
I listened to this mix twice in pieces. You ever get that overwhelming feeling that you need to do something really bad and destructive, then sit back and admire your handy work? Yeah, I thought you would recogize that. Even now, listening to it for the third time, in its entirety, all I can think of is a maelstrom. There is such a paradigm shift in this mix that makes your heart beat like the bass and fly like the keys at the 2:02 point.
Perez Massimo bled this one out. Now, that’s passion.
Send us a link to one of your mixes hosted either on Soundcloud or Mixcloud to weekendmix [at] 1200dreams [dot] com.
We will listen and if you touch our minds, body, and our souls, you just might get featured.
As an added bonus, all featured mixes are LIKED on Soundcloud/Mixloud, you’re FB fanpage is added to our Fanpages Favorites, and we Tweet the hell out of your mix for a week.