If you’re reading this, it means we’ve made it through December 21st and the world hasn’t come to an end. Now, we can go on with our lives, right? Well, I hope so, all this end of the world talk has fried my nerves. Time for some music to cheer things up.
Like most of you, the coming weekend is going to be all about getting back to our last minute Christmas shopping and preparations and well, simply enjoying the holidays. Of course, music plays a big part of this, so we have three mixes for you to enjoy as you go about your merry chores and have a feliz navidad.
Of course, we’re going to take you on a trip and not just give you more of the same. We like to play with your heads a lil, hey, we have to keep you awake for the next apocalyptic threat.
First, we open up with a mix by Jon Stuart from Kush, Sudan Africa, titled Journey of The Drum. This mix will get you in a chilled out state of mind, help you relax a bit, all the while working its way deep into your bones. By the end of the mix you’ll be dancing around the living room, with that deep spiritual feeling good House music is known to provide.
Now, this is where we’re going to go off the beaten House path and get twisted. This mix, titled Encore Mixshow by Encore Amsterdam brings you a mix packed to the rim with some of todays hottest Hip Hop. Now, be forewarned, being Hip Hop there are times when you might want to shut off the music or cover the ears of any young innocents that happen to walk into your audio zone. Actually, play it in the car when Christmas shopping for them and they’re back home with grama, or wait till they’re asleep.
Lastly, we wanted to really put you elsewhere, introduce you to something you might not hear often, unless of course you’re from the Caribbean, in which case you just might be familiar with the sounds Bud E. Green brings us in this Christmas themed Reggae treat. Roots Reggae, unlike it’s younger sibling Dancehall, tends to be cleaner for sure, but also more spiritual – add some Christmas vibes to that and you have some surprisingly fitting Christmas music unlike anything Bing Crosby ever sang. It’s a good twist and one we think you will enjoy.
Here’s to a great holiday for you and yours -and the world not ending!
One love!
Want your mix featured in WeekendMix?
Send us a link to one of your mixes hosted either on Soundcloud or Mixcloud to weekendmix [dot] 1200dreams [dot] com.
We will listen and if you touch our minds, body, and our souls, you just might get featured.
As an added bonus, all featured mixes are LIKED on Soundcloud/Mixloud, you’re FB fanpage is added to our Fanpages Favorites, and we Tweet the hell out of your mix for a week.