Ever since I first heard Electro Swing, just a little over a year ago, I have been hooked. In fact, I was so taken by it upon hearing it, that I even toyed with the idea of a doing a total pivot and dedicating this site solely to this awesomely exuberant genre! Yeah, it was like that. Eventually, I came to my senses and have stayed true to my original course of action, but let me tell you, it was hard. Of course, if there are any writers that would like to write about this genre for us, we would love to hear from you!
In the meantime, maybe it’s because of all the energy in the air with Summer here and all, but fact is, we’re over due for some Electro Swing and frankly, I can’t fight these urges anymore. I’ve been patient long enough people; it’s time for another electro swing throw down!
Following are four awesome, dare I say epic mixes featuring the best and newest in Electro Swing. We begin with a mix by German DJ Kalletti Klub. This mix is a perfect way to begin this throw down with it’s mix of Electro Swing and harder edged beats. Oh and there’s a live Sax and Trumpet playing right along. So, yeah, that’s pretty funky. We follow that up with Vietnamese DJ GiMiX NoMaD. Things start to get a lot more swinging here so you better brace yourself.
Next up is DJ WooX from Croatia who shows us that Electro Swing is not just all about high energy, but that it also has range. WooX describes this mix as a “journey through swing era with beats, abstract hip-hop, trip-hop, lo-fi and all kinds of intelligent chilled grooves.” I feel more intelligent already.
Last and definitely not least, is Electro Swing Elite, a megamix collaborative that brings together the creme de le creme of the Electro Swing community and presents them in a series of epic mixes they release once or twice a year. This mix is so awesome, no wait, epic, it will have you wanting to do the Charleston even if you have no idea what it is.
And there you have it folks. If you are not familiar with this genre, do yourself a favor; open your mind and let the beat consume you. Have a great weekend party people!
Kalletti Klub @ Electro-Swing Crew together with LIVE SAX+TRUMPET
GiMiX NoMaD Gatsby get Hot @ Extravaganza Gingerwork
Mr.WooX Lost Can Be Found//Mixtape