Andre Tegeler is the perfect example of an overnight success, he’s been in the scene for close to two decades and in that time has had his fair share of successful and noteworthy tracks, yet I think it’s safe to say, he’s not a Household name. Well, that is all changing.
From his first EP way back in 1994 “Best Before End” to “U Know Y” his massive 2002 hit or “Guaimo” from 2007, Moguai has more than put in the work. But it wasn’t until 2010, that he made the type of noise that got him noticed by more than just the most hardcore fans.
2010 was the year in which he released his first album, “We Are Lyve” and a number of successful singles such as “Oyster”, “8001 / Star Planetary”, “Dynamik”, and remixes for Moby and Royksopp. He kept that momentum going well into 2011 with the releases of “Oxygen” featuring Fiora, “Original Hardcore” with Westbam and remixes for the likes of Fatboy Slim and even Britney Spears to name a few.
With all this success, it seems no one can stop talking about the German DJ with the somewhat familiar name. And with a new single and album out, MPire, which dropped January 30, and a slew of new singles and remixes in the works and ready to be unleashed on an eagerly awaiting and growing fanbase, you can expect to hear more Moguai.
No matter the amount of hits or even near misses under his belt, Moguai has stayed dedicated to the art of spinning records, and in this, he has more than proven to crowds the world over, he is one of the best, and that doesn’t happen over night!