Mastering The "RE" – Ospina Set To Drop New Single "The More I Get – The More I Want It"
I can go back into my musical memory bank and recall many that have taken a track and added their own vibe and flavor and bam, it’s a masterpiece all over again. Sadly, not many accomplish this track. Many fail to realize that whether it’s “re”mastered, “re”mixed, “re”worked, or “re”made, the genius is when it stands alone as a NEW track.
When someone takes a track that was possibly a classic to an older generation and gives it a new signature, makes it speak to a new audience, a new genre, “re” generating it, if you will, for a new generation, you create the opportunity for this “re”work to become a new classic for the future. This is how you give homage to the original work while contributing to the evolution and history of music. I call that mastering the “RE”.
My hats off to those “RE” Masters/Mistresses of Music who make the old new again, who reinterpret, recycle, and reenergize the tunes that serve as the soundtracks of our lives, our culture.